Hello Dear Readers, For the first several weeks of living in Kevin’s Crossing the center of my universe has been the coffee shop, the Steaming Mug. It has fed me, been the source of social interaction, and provided me with a connection to the larger world(free wifi). But like any small town, the true heart of my new hometown is local mini-mart/gas station. About 1.2 miles from my apartment is Ziggy’s, part of a local franchise found in this area. Ziggy’s provides essentially everything a person needs to survive. From food to gas, to basic home essentials, to cold cuts, and sandwiches. Now that I’m settled into my apartment I’ve been making regular trips on foot to Ziggy’s for supplies. This is an important milestone since it signifies my new universe is expanding. My trips are frequent since I can only carry a few groceries at a time(I think I will be investing in a bike soon). That’s perfect because...
Welcome to Kevin's Crossing, my new hometown! Follow me as we explore mystery and mayhem. And probably get some snacks! Come on, it'll be fun!