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Ziggy's Mini Mart

Hello Dear Readers,

After several large-scale strange encounters lately, I didn’t think Kevin’s Crossing would offer up anything new for a long time.  Oh, how wrong I was.  It feels like things are starting to pick up momentum.
Another strange occurrence has taken place at the Ziggy’s!  I was not around so I’ve had to get the story second hand and managed to watch some grainy security camera footage thanks to my new soulmate Robyn, whose sister’s partner works there.
Not to put too fine a point on it but a strange man appeared inside the Mini Mart and began shouting in an unknown language and acting hysterical.  as if he were just as surprised as everyone else, then collapsed and died.  There was one employee and three customers present at the time.  I’ve talked to people who have talked to people and gathered rumor and hearsay together with the silent black and white video, to try to put together a coherent version of the events.  Instead of listing every story that I’ve heard, I will give you the condensed version of how I believe the events happened.
On Thursday afternoon at 3:44 pm, near the hot dog roller in Ziggy’s Mini Mart, an unknown man appeared out of nowhere.  Witness described him as being tall with a wide build and blocky head, which was shaved.  He immediately began shouting and knocking displays over.  He spoke a strange language that no one in the mini-mart could understand.  Unfortunately, the security camera did not have audio.  So there is no sample.  No one was able to give an accurate description of what he said.
The store employee phoned the police.  The man seemed startled by his surroundings and continued to shout.  When he spotted the door he tried to run through it, knocking over a customer.  Once he reached the door they opened automatically and he stepped outside.  He looked up at the sky and release a scream of pure terror.  He ran back inside where he collapsed in front of a display of energy drinks.
One of the customers in the mini-mart was trained in CPR, and when the man didn’t get up they checked for a pulse and found none.  When she began to administer CPR she found his clothing to be strange.  It was light green and appeared to be a full body suit made of a coarse material.  The fibers of the cloth clung to her skin in a way she’d never encountered before. 
Things only got stranger when she began chest compressions.  His chest felt all wrong, instead of ribs, bone compartments protruded.  Masses of spongy tissue could be felt between the random bones.  The woman ceased doing chest compressions because she was concerned that the strange man had suffered some form of internal damage prior to appearing in the mini-mart.  Shortly after, that the police and paramedic arrived and took over the situation.  The man was pronounced dead at the scene.  I have not been able to get access to the police or coroner's report.
A security camera points towards the front entrance and only captured a small amount of the event.  The man can be seen from running out the door and then running back in and collapsing.  When he falls to the ground I noticed slight movement of a shadow that cannot be accounted for.  It was only visible in two frames and moves from his body towards the Icee machine, which he comes to rest next to.  It could be anything, but I will go visit Ziggy’s and have a look around myself at the nearest convenience.  And I am out of Funyuns.
I can’t only imagine where this stranger came from.  The future?  Alternate timeline?  A government teleportation experiment that went wrong?  We may never know.

Still no sign of payment for services rendered.

I’ll keep you updated!


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