Hello Dear Readers, I had a most unexpected encounter today. At the bus stop of all places. I was returning from a trip to Ziggy’s to buy beef sticks when I strolled past the bus stop. There was a nurse seated at the bus as I approached. Not just a nurse, but THE nurse that gave me the eye when we were visiting Otto at the hospital. She was sitting there holding her purse and had earbuds in. I stared at her as I approached. As I walked up to her she looked up. It took a moment before a look of realization crossed her face. “You,” she said. “Yep,” I didn’t really know how to respond. I slowed to a stop. We stared at each other wordlessly for a long moment. Her name tag said, Janice. A neuron fired in the back of my mind. “Hi, sorry about the other day,” she said, holding her purse on her lap, breaking eye contact. “It’s just that I’ve seen you before.”...
Welcome to Kevin's Crossing, my new hometown! Follow me as we explore mystery and mayhem. And probably get some snacks! Come on, it'll be fun!