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Quick Update- Jak-Jak vs. Feral Dogs

Hello Dear Readers,
I have a quick update for you.  I will post more later but I saw something in the morning paper that made my jaw hit the floor.
I arrived at the Steaming Mug this morning for my usual refreshments.  I placed my order with Gemma and sat down on a delightfully worn and stained sofa.  Strewn about was the local newspaper, the Kevin’s Crossing Herald.  I picked it, intending to look for subliminal messages in Want Ads. A headline on the first-page healed my attention, it read ‘Feral dog pack found ripped to pieces!  The work of Jak-Jak?’. These must be the feral dogs Officer Eric warned me about the other week.
Can you believe it, readers?  I surely can not.  I just had to share this excitement with you.  Perhaps Jak-Jak does live, after all!

I’ll keep you updated!


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