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Hello Dear Readers,
I have a confession to make, I have been a bit of an unreliable narrator.  I always try to be on the up and up with you but I have failed to be completely honest with about some current events.  In all honesty, I needed to time to do research and make sense of what I discovered before I shared it with you.  Boy, was it worth it!
The other week I told you about the mystery man the appeared in Ziggy’s Mini Mart then suddenly died.  I also mention that later on when I was able to view the mini mart’s security tapes it liked there was a shadow moving in two frames of the tape that couldn’t be accounted for.  So the next day I walked down to there and had a look around.  Despite what had recently happened there it didn’t feel strange or unusual.  Just the same old mini-mart.
I stood in the exact spot where he collapsed.  It was eerily.  I looked in the direction I thought I saw the shadow move in the tape.  Standing there was an Icee machine, a standby for every mini-mart.  I looked around and behind it and found nothing.  I then laid down on the sticky floor and looked underneath.  It looked like the Icee machine never been moved because there were years of accumulated dirt.  But I could also see that outline of something blocky with straight edges.
I took a deep breath and shoved my arm underneath.  My hand made its way past hairballs and candy wrappers.  The only reason the floor wasn’t stickier was that of all of the grime coating it.  My hand landed on something hard and smooth.  I wrapped my fingers around it and pull it.  I quickly brushed the debris from my arm and left the store before inspecting my find.
Standing outside, I was holding what appeared to be a small, thick book or codex.  It was an off-white color and had no writing or images on front or back.  In my excitement, I nearly dropped it into the street.  In my hands, I held an artifact from another dimension or the future or something.  Finally real proof I can lay my hands on!  All I had to do to get it was expose my arm to the most disgusting conditions in existence.  I flipped it open.  The pages were not made of paper but a hard inflexible material.  For some reason, it reminded me of seashells.  I shoved into my pocket and headed home with my prize.  I can now say, without the shadow of a doubt, that this is payment for services rendered!
Returning to my apartment, I think I saw the ‘not a real cat’ lurking at the end of an alleyway.  Or it was just a regular alley cat.  When I was safely in my apartment, door locked and hot cocoa made I began to look at the interior of the codex.  The pages were laser-etched with seemingly random collections of lines and dots.  Also, there was a symbol the right edge of each page.  Each page had a symbol and I counted eight different reoccurring, symbols overall.
The first and only person I’ve shown so far is Robyn, who seems to have a gift for puzzles and cryptograms.  She had the idea to scan each page into a computer and overlap pages with the same symbol.  Doing this gave us eight complete images!  She’s so smart!  They appeared to be schematics of some kind.  Right different ones. Like IKEA instructions from a different dimension.  Unfortunately, none of the schematics are vaguely recognizable.  Except one.  One clearly depicts the multidimensional structure that surrounded the ghost of Horatio Grey when I shined the mystery bulb on him.
Where did this strange man come from and did he have a codex that contained lightly encoded information about a celestial structure attached to ghosts?

It looks like tomato and mystery bulb experiment is already at an end.  The plant under the mystery bulb has begun to die, while the one in the window has put on several inches of new growth.  I fear the mystery bulb plant is not getting the proper wavelengths of light that it needs to survive.  Frowny Face.

I’ll keep you updated.


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