Hello Dear Readers,
While at the Steaming Mug today I was reading a newspaper
that someone kindly left on a table. I
saw a headline that seemed merely tragic and curious but turned out to be
astonishing. The title on page three
read ‘Unidentified Man Killed in Car Accident’.
Obviously, I’m always on the lookout for keywords like ‘unknown’,
‘unexplained’, and ‘cheese-filled’. When
I started reading the article I got the shock of a lifetime.
The article said that an unidentified man had been struck by
a car at approximately 3:00 am, two days prior.
The driver of the car fled the scene and has yet to be found.
The man had dark hair and eyes and was of an indeterminate
ethnicity. He is approximately 25 - 35
years old. He is 5 ft. 8 in tall and 145
pounds. He had no ID on him and the only
possessions found at the scene where a baseball cap, a pair of sunglasses and a
can of red spray paint! It could only be
the Vandal.
I’m not really sure how to process this. I assumed the Vandal, may he live forever in
the sun, would either fade away and disappear eventually or become my nemesis
and end in a climactic battle. For him
to be unexpectedly killed, is so unexpected.
I still have so many questions.
Who hit him with a car? Why did
they just drive away? Was it an accident
or was it on purpose? Was it the same
person who was painting over the 'Shh' graffiti? How will this affect things in Kevin’s
Crossing? Should he be returned to the
other dimension? Was he really from
there in the first place?
I’ll keep you updated.
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