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Solar Eclipse

Hello Dear Readers,
I usually stay pretty up to date on the happenings in the universe, local and in general.  But things in Kevin's Crossing have kept me so preoccupied lately that I was caught unaware when a relatively large scale event took place in our solar system.  A solar eclipse!  An event where the moon comes between the Earth and the sun, blocking out the sun's light, turning day into night, albeit briefly.  A perfect setting for all sorts of shenanigans to take place!
I found myself completely unprepared to document this event.  When I asked Robyn why she didn't mention it to me, she shrugged and said she thought I was on it.
But I digress, let's go over all the strange happenings reported by the citizens of Kevin's Crossing during the solar eclipse yesterday.  The most exciting of which I will save for last.  The return of someone who has not graced this blog for far too long.  None of these reports are from me since I was taking a nap at the time.
·         Ziggy's Mini Mart - nothing.  Apparently, Ziggy's closes down preemptively whenever there is a celestial event on the calendar.  Good for them!
·         Stop signs on Bloomberg St changed to Cyrillic, then changed back.
·         Strange smells were noticed near the intersection of Pennyworth and March.  Could not get clarification on what type of smells.
·         No one in the Walker family, a family with long roots in Kevin’s Crossing, were able to see the eclipse.  I need to follow up and find out what they saw in its place.
·         An eight-year-old boy, names Bandon, sneezed out a live grasshopper.  There are no corroborating witnesses and the source is far from reliable.
·         Several dozen people all across town reported seeing a soft blue point of light in the sky where no known celestial body is located.
·         My favorite local radio station KMO 9.92 switched over to a mysterious number station.  A monotone voice began repeating the numbers 8-32-14 in Polish.  I had to look it up!  Polish numbers again!
Now, last, but certainly not least.  The long-awaited return of Jak-Jak!  Over a dozen people reported sightings.  Most of these claimed to see him running quickly across lawns and streets, with a look of determination on his face.  I wonder where he was going.  All of these sightings occurred at the same time but all over town.  This may be the largest number of Jak-Jak sightings at one time that I am aware of.  Unfortunately, it doesn’t give us much new information.  Though it is always good to know that Jak-Jak is out there, doing his thing!

            Until next time, I’ll try to keep better up to date on celestial occurrences and I’ll keep you updated.


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